Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Chain Restaurants Go Green

Hey Everyone!

  Back for some more green fun are you? Well, I have something that will satisfy your stomach and your need to help the environment! I found some interesting news on chain restaurants that are going green... and it's starting with Chipotle! Chipotle restaurants are going to get solar panels on 75 of there restaurants next year!
Installation of these solar panels is already underway in some major cities including Denver, Colorado, Dallas, and San Antonio. This project is supposed to get rid of about 20 thousand tons of carbon dioxide emissions. When this is completed, Chipotle will be the largest producer of solar energy in the restaurant industry.
Also, three Chipotle chains will have leed-certified buildings, and one being built in Illinois will have an on-site wind turbine. The restaurant propelled by the wind turbine is capable of supplying up to 10 percent of its electricity demand.
Some other things restaurants are doing is using eco-friendly marketing. Restaurants can do this by offering green specials or putting certain logos next to items that are eco-friendly and organically grown. Customers will appreciate this as well as be interested in coming back to a place that also helps the environment!
Now you Shakespeare lovers might find this pretty cool... I found a pizza place that is located in numerous locations in ten very lucky states! The restaurant's motto is "Saving the Earth, One Pizza at a Time!" Pizza Fusion started in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and has created an empire for America's favorite The restaurant serves pizza in its purest form, free of any artificial additives and 75 percent of the menu is organic.
Pizza Fusion even delivers your pizza to you in company owned hybrid vehicles, uses 100 percent of their power consumption from renewable wind energy, they have leed certification, and they even provide organic classes for kids. Pizza Fusion is unlike any other business, and they care about going green! Pizza and eco-friendly...who could ask for more?
Too bad there is no location in Columbia.... but don't worry guys, the GG573 Team is on it!

Tune in for more green news tomorrow!


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