Monday, November 2, 2009

Mi casa es su casa...and sustainable!

You may not be in the market to buy a home right now...but it never hurts to start thinking about the process a tad early. While you're at it, it never hurt to consider sustainable home practices, either.

Homes use energy, this much should be obvious. Whether for lighting, heating, cooling, electrical appliances, energy keeps houses warm and toasty and the coffee machine cooking. Smaller homes take less energy to heat and cool, and as air conditioners are the Hummers of household energy use, you could save some major wattage by scaling down (and using an overhead fan!). (Click here to see a table of typical energy costs by appliance.)

Instead of using a traditional heating and cooling system, homeowners can opt to use a more sustainable option: passive heating and cooling. The U.S. Department of Energy suggests home buyers looking to go green follow five key principles in heating and cooling their homes passively. Highlights of the report include using strategically placed windows to heat with sunlight and using insulation to its full extent.

More tips - - Keeping the temperature steady can be achieved with a shovel: digging into the earth helps the house to maintain a small variant in temperature year round. Using local products to build your home cuts down on the gasoline emissions from shipping product from all over the place.

Think creatively to utilize less energy and make your home more sustainable. Sustainable=fabulous.


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