I've been working on a story recently that has pushed me in the way of interviewing a lot of marketing people. While talking to them, I realized a trend that has been happening within the past couple years. Its probably really obvious, but also very green at the same time! Advertisers and marketers are going green! Digital media and social media is the newest and up to date way to reach and attract customers.
We all know of Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. But now businesses, companies, organizations, event planners, etc. are using those tools to get their message out to the public.
One website I found gives six good tips of why marketers should go paperless when appealing to their audience. Here are their examples:
the increased push toward oversight, accountability and transparency;
greater control and adaptability to changing economic conditions and market forces;
ease-of-doing-business, since clients expect digital communications;
more flexibility in when, where and how we work and
empowering the individual to have more control;
and the environmental reasons to move away from paper-based processes.
This type of marketing reaches a whole new audience, saves energy, reduces production costs, doesn't waste materials, and can convey a message at a more immediate pace.
Also, with this type of advertising, companies and marketing firms can see the traffic and number of views their ad receives through analytic programs.
Just another idea from the GoGreen573 team to become more eco-friendly!
Unfortunately, pc's and servers are the fastest growing users of energy, and print and paper may be the sustainable way to communicate. Forests are actually growing and paper represents a renewable resource, whereas the eco-cost of all that hardware that we use today is considerable.