I recently stumbled across a video on youtube that talked about the the climate change debate. The person in the video plots out probably outcomes for different scenarios. I encourage you to watch the video (yes, it's 9 minutes, but you might learn something like I did) to get the full affect of this post. In order to understand the full affect of his argument, he sets aside the idea of global warming and whether or not we are causing it, and looks solely at what would happen if the government took action or not. Pretty simple, yes or no. Do something or not do something.
The basis of the video and the theory is that in order to absolutely rule out total chaos, catastrophes and destruction, the government must act. While he uses the most extreme of cases, it is still very interesting to think about. If you make it to the end of the video, "our future" rests in one of the four boxes he makes. And as I said, in order to rule out the worst possible scenario, the government must act.
Now, if you are someone who is against action by the government and you think we can't afford to take action, that's good and fine. We're not promoting what you should believe in and get behind, we are simply making you aware of what is going on in the world. It is possible that climate change wont be as extreme as we think and that maybe we shouldn't put in so much money in order to prevent something that wont be bad in the end.
However, if we decide not to act upon climate change and it turns out we were wrong... what happens then? This is why I encourage you to watch this video. Then you can do some research for yourself. Look here, here or here. Go beyond those sites, because they are definitely not the only ones. They are just a few. There is way too much information out there, and if you have found this blog, chances are you have the resources to learn more.
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