Hey Everyone!
So, I had an inspiring idea! I thought since we are so close to Halloween I figured I would give our followers something to think about when they are out trick or treating or just enjoying some scary fun. Think about this... YOU CAN GO GREEN FOR HALLOWEEN! I've done some research online and I have found some things that you can do this Halloween to actually help the environment as well!
Okay, let's be real. Everyone spends tons of time and money on costumes that they only wear ONE TIME! Well a way you can save money is by inviting all of your friends to a costume exchange party! This way you can recycle all of your old costumes and still find something fun and new to wear!
Carving pumpkins can be a great way to also go green! They are almost completely organic so when they start to rot after Halloween, they are actually helping the earth! The seeds inside make a tasty snack as well. This way you are using all of your resources of that scary jack 'o' lantern.
As for trick or treating... everyone passes out tons of candy to the youngsters on Halloween night... but all of that candy adds up and usually goes to waste! I can remember countless times where I ended up with a huge bag of candy that ended up lasting me until Easter! So instead, you should try and hand out one piece of candy at a time. This keeps the cavities at bay, as well as doesn't cause waste for our environment. Trick or treaters can also help out by reusing bags. Pillow cases can work as great candy bags and provide tons of room for all of those treats!
As for decorations if you like to go all out in October, try using LED lights. They use much less energy than the normal ones. Also try to buy candles that are made out of beeswax and soy. They end up lasting a lot longer. Also, if your deciding to decorate your windows try to use non-toxic paint. Many decorations can be hand made as well. Get your kids to get creative, and have them use unwanted cartons or other recyclable items to make some scary stuff!
I have one last tip for all of you which sounds simple but happens the most on Halloween... DON'T LITTER! There are so many candy wrappers found on the streets after Halloween night and this could easily be avoided with your help! One suggestion is to keep another bag with your just for trash so you can eat candy while you trick or treat! Just make sure those mounds don't get on the ground!
Well, I hope these Halloween Go Green tips were helpful! More tomorrow!
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