We've all heard of "green movements" and people "going green" on any scale, right? Whether it be buying more economically friendly light bulbs, trash bags or plates. Maybe you hear of someone going to the Farmers Market to be local to prevent all the production and packaging efforts by large companies. To some extent, we all have heard of some form of green before.
Well, followers, I am offering you a challenge this weekend. Like Christy so graciously put it yesterday, tell us what you think, or better yet, what YOU are DOING. I want to know how you are going green. What are you doing (whether it's the smallest aspect of 'going green' or if you are up for 'America's Next Top Environmentalist,' I want to know), how you are doing it and why you are doing it.
The point of our blogging and our entire efforts here at GoGreen573 are to inform our followers. Well, what better way to inform our followers than by getting their opinion. I want to hear from you all. Tell us what you're doing, what your neighbors are doing, what your friends are doing. I am going to compile all the information I am hoping to receive, I will process it, research it, and report back just how our followers are going green, and then relay that information back out next Friday.
Does that sound good to everyone? So let us know via Twitter (@GoGreen573), E-Mail (gogreen573@gmail.com), Facebook (GoGreen573 Fan Page) or comments here on our blog.
Thanks so much. Until next Friday,
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